Beare Green Village Hall. Merebank, Beare Green, Surrey, RH5 4RD
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    A prime local venue

    The refurbished Village Hall is available to hire for community gatherings and private functions.

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    Your local Cinema

    Beare Green Community Association (BGCA) is proud to present our Community Cinema for the benefit of all

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    Wide Range of Groups and Clubs

    Beare Green Community Association (BGCA) does its best to attract and promote local groups and clubs to use our hall. In this way there are popular, sought-after services, recreation, entertainment and hobbies for our community.

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Cinema : What's On

Beare Green Community Association shows a film with Dolby surround sound at Beare Green Village Hall on the second Saturday of each month.  Doors open 7pm, the film starts 7:30, and there is a short interval half way through.  Refreshments are available.  £5 entry for all, now payable by credit card, bank card or mobile telephone.  No need to book, nor any means to do so - we have never had to turn anyone away as we have 80 seats.   

5th April "Small Things Like These"

Doors open 7pm, film starts 7:30, entry £5 for all, short interval half way through. 

No need to book, nor any means to do so - we have never had to turn anyone away as we have 80 seats. 

Book the Hall

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Beare Green Hall

Please email the Hall Bookings Secretary, Laura Mott, on  Emails will normally be responded to within 3 working days. A LOT OF OUR REPLIES ARE GOING TO SPAM FOLDERS AND WE ARE NOT SURE WHY, SO DO CHECK YOUR SPAM FOLDER


Upcoming Events

An evening of music by The Milestone Big Band

An evening of music by The Milestone Big Band Friday 21 March  

Come and enjoy an evening of fantastic music by The Milestone Big Band on Friday 21 March at Beare Green Village Hall. Doors open at 7.30pm with live music between 8.00-10.00pm.

There will be a licensed bar selling a selection of alcoholic and soft drinks.  You’re welcome to bring your own nibbles. Entry is £5 on the door (card or cash).

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