Beare Green Village Hall. Merebank, Beare Green, Surrey, RH5 4RD

Next BGCA Open Meeting

The date of the next meeting of the BGCA trustees’ committee, open to all to contribute ideas for what the hall and village trustees should be doing (or just come and listen if you like), is to be Thursday 19th September at 7:30 pm in the front hall. Tea or coffee available. Among other things we will be discussing the October jumble sale, a possible live music evening event in November, the annual New Year’s Eve event and what sort of entertainment to provide this year, the village cinema, the village facebook page, the new weekly community foodshare (Fridays 12:30) and the possible installation of a heat pump at the village hall. Come and tell us what you’d like us to do – or maybe even join us; the more trustees there are, the easier it is to get things done

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